Principle and Applicability
1. Atmospheric concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are measured indirectly by photometrically measuring the light intensity, at wavelengths greater than 600 nanometers, resulting from the chemiluminescent reaction of nitric oxide (NO) with ozone (O3). (1,2,3) NO2 is first quantitatively reduced to NO(4,5,6) by means of a converter. NO, which commonly exists in ambient air together with NO2, passes through the converter unchanged causing a resultant total NOX concentration equal to NO + NO2. A sample of the input air is also measured without having passed through the converted. This latter NO measurement is subtracted from the former measurement (NO + NO2) to yield the final NO2 measurement. The NO and NO + NO2 measurements may be made concurrently with dual systems, or cyclically with the same system provided the cycle time does not exceed 1 minute.
2. Sampling considerations.
2.1 Chemiluminescence NO/NOX/NO2 analyzers will respond to other nitrogen containing compounds, such as peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), which might be reduced to NO in the thermal converter. (7) Atmospheric concentrations of these potential interferences are generally low relative to NO2 and valid NO2 measurements may be obtained. In certain geographical areas, where the concentration of these potential interferences is known or suspected to be high relative to NO2, the use of an equivalent method for the measurement of NO2 is recommended.
2.2 The use of integrating flasks on the sample inlet line of chemiluminescence NO/NOX/NO2 analyzers is optional and left to couraged. The sample residence time between the sampling point and the analyzer should be kept to a minimum to avoid erroneous NO2 measurements resulting from the reaction of ambient levels of NO and O3 in the sampling system.
2.3 The use of particulate filters on the sample inlet line of chemiluminescence NO/NOX/NO2 analyzers is optional and left to the discretion of the user or the manufacturer.
Use of the filter should depend on the analyzer's susceptibility to interference, malfunction, or damage due to particulates. Users are cautioned that particulate matter concentrated on a filter may cause erroneous NO2 measurements and therefore filters should be changed frequently.
3. An analyzer based on this principle will be considered a reference method only if it has been designated as a reference method in accordance with part 53 of this chapter.
1. Alternative A-Gas phase titration (GPT) of an NO standard with O3.
Major equipment required: Stable O3 generator. Chemiluminescence NO/NOX/NO2 analyzer with strip chart recorder(s). NO concentration standard.
1.1 Principle. This calibration technique is based upon the rapid gas phase reaction between NO and O3 to produce stoichiometric quantities of NO2 in accordance with the following equation: (8)
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The quantitative nature of this reaction is such that when the NO concentration is known, the concentration of NO2 can be determined. Ozone is added to excess NO in a dynamic calibration system, and the NO channel of the chemiluminescence NO/NOX/NO2 analyzer is used as an indicator of changes in NO concentration. Upon the addition of O3, the decrease in NO concentration observed on the calibrated NO channel is equivalent to the concentration of NO2 produced. The amount of NO2 generated may be varied by adding variable amounts of O3 from a stable uncalibrated O3 generator. (9)
1.2 Apparatus. Figure 1, a schematic of a typical GPT apparatus, shows the suggested configuration of the components listed below. All connections between components in the calibration system downstream from the O3 generator should be of glass, Teflon®, or other non-reactive material.
1.2.1 Air flow controllers. Devices capable of maintaining constant air flows within ±2% of the required flowrate.
1.2.2 NO flow controller. A device capable of maintaining constant NO flows within ±2% of the required flowrate. Component parts in contact with the NO should be of a non-reactive material.
1.2.3 Air flowmeters. Calibrated flowmeters capable of measuring and monitoring air flowrates with an accuracy of ±2% of the measured flowrate.
1.2.4 NO flowmeter. A calibrated flowmeter capable of measuring and monitoring NO flowrates with an accuracy of ±2% of the measured flowrate. (Rotameters have been reported to operate unreliably when measuring low NO flows and are not recommended.)
1.2.5 Pressure regulator for standard NO cylinder. This regulator must have a nonreactive diaphragm and internal parts and a suitable delivery pressure.
1.2.6 Ozone generator. The generator must be capable of generating sufficient and stable levels of O3 for reaction with NO to generate NO2 concentrations in the range required. Ozone generators of the electric discharge type may produce NO and NO2 and are not recommended.
1.2.7 Valve. A valve may be used as shown in Figure 1 to divert the NO flow when zero air is required at the manifold. The valve should be constructed of glass, Teflon®, or other nonreactive material.
1.2.8 Reaction chamber. A chamber, constructed of glass, Teflon®, or other nonreactive material, for the quantitative reaction of O3 with excess NO. The chamber should be of sufficient volume (VRC) such that the residence time (tR) meets the requirements specified in 1.4. For practical reasons, tR should be less than 2 minutes.
1.2.9 Mixing chamber. A chamber constructed of glass, Teflon®, or other nonreactive material and designed to provide thorough mixing of reaction products and diluent air. The residence time is not critical when the dynamic parameter specification given in 1.4 is met.
1.2.10 Output manifold. The output manifold should be constructed of glass, Teflon®, or other non-reactive material and should be of sufficient diameter to insure an insignificant pressure drop at the analyzer connection. The system must have a vent designed to insure atmospheric pressure at the manifold and to prevent ambient air from entering the manifold.
1.3 Reagents.
1.3.1 NO concentration standard. Gas cylinder standard containing 50 to 100 ppm NO in N2 with less than 1 ppm NO2. This standard must be traceable to a National Bureau of Standards (NBS) NO in N2 Standard Reference Material (SRM 1683 or SRM 1684), an NBS NO2 Standard Reference Material (SRM 1629), or an NBS/EPA-approved commercially available Certified Reference Material (CRM). CRM's are described in Reference 14, and a list of CRM sources is available from the address shown for Reference 14. A recommended protocol for certifying NO gas cylinders against either an NO SRM or CRM is given in section 2.0.7 of Reference 15. Reference 13 gives procedures for certifying an NO gas cylinder against an NBS NO2 SRM and for determining the amount of NO2 impurity in an NO cylinder.
1.3.2 Zero air. Air, free of contaminants which will cause a detectable response on the NO/NOX/NO2 analyzer or which might react with either NO, O3, or NO2 in the gas phase titration. A procedure for generating zero air is given in reference 13.
1.4 Dynamic parameter specification.
1.4.1 The O3 generator air flowrate (F0) and NO flowrate (FNO) (see Figure 1) must be adjusted such that the following relationship holds:
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PR = dynamic parameter specification, determined empirically, to insure complete reaction of the available O3, ppm-minute
[NO]RC = NO concentration in the reaction chamber, ppm
R = residence time of the reactant gases in the reaction chamber, minute
[NO]STD = concentration of the undiluted NO standard, ppm
FNO = NO flowrate, scm3/min
FO = O3 generator air flowrate, scm3/min
VRC = volume of the reaction chamber, scm3
1.4.2 The flow conditions to be used in the GPT system are determined by the following procedure:
(a) Determine FT, the total flow required at the output manifold (FT = analyzer demand plus 10 to 50% excess).
(b) Establish [NO]OUT as the highest NO concentration (ppm) which will be required at the output manifold. [NO]OUT should be approximately equivalent to 90% of the upper range limit (URL) of the NO2 concentration range to be covered.
(c) Determine FNO as
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(d) Select a convenient or available reaction chamber volume. Initially, a trial VRC may be selected to be in the range of approximately 200 to 500 scm3.
(e) Compute FO as
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(f) Compute tR as
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Verify that tR [LESS THAN] 2 minutes. If not, select a reaction chamber with a smaller VRC.
(g) Compute the diluent...